About Transparent Display
16-06-04 11:55
Hit : 2,518
Recently, there are many products that are publicly available, but the unusual ones are not very good.

I don't know, but if I still recommend one, I'd recommend a transparent display.

Because if I use it well, I think there are many advantages.

For example, car, airplane, airport glass door, bus stop, subway schedule, bus schedule, etc.

It's very interesting to use products with transparent displays in these places.

Also, suppose you put your living room, your bedroom, or your baby in a transparent display.

In the study room, if you decorate the four walls with pictures of mountain birds singing, or if you want to watch a movie with one inner wall.

Look, one of the walls is a beach with a cool sea, and the living room wall is a mountain top.

Wouldn't it be really cool if I did it in a picture?